Blue Baby Blanket

I think this blanket is one of the most beautiful things I have made – and I still use it today when my baby is 2 and a half. It was big enough to wrap him in and is now big enough to cover him with. I kind of wanted it to be the blanket he snuggles in while watching a movie or reading, but he is too active to sit in one place for too long and has to be running around instead. However, it took me foreeeever to make it, so I am just glad it’s still in use now.

baby's first blanket


The blanket is crocheted, which is why it took so long, and uses a stitch I don’t know the name of, but basically it’s two single crochets in one stitch, skip a stitch, then two single crochets, skip, etc. That gives it the unusual look, but is still fairly straightforward. The edging had these chain columns so that the ribbon can go through. I also sewed the ribbon in the knot area so it wouldn’t come apart, and after the first wash, I realized I needed to do something about the fraying ribbon ends. So I trimmed them and melted the edges – you can use a candle, candle lighter, or anything else that stays on long enough.

baby's first blanket full

I also made it rectangular rather than the square that the pattern suggested so it can be used longer. I thought I would keep working on it until I use all the yarn I had in that color, but I was so tired of it when I finished the third skein that I decided to call it quits. It still came out to 40×30 in.

Here are links to this project on Ravelry and Pinterest.

You can also find the pattern I sort of followed for this here.

Blue Baby Blanket

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